JM-Perlen - alt til Grønlandsk perlesyning, perlebroderi og smykker

Welcome to JM-Perlen

Specialized shop for beadwork, bead embroidery and bead jewelleries.

News !!

Ingrid Elise Design Patterns 2024 (now 12 items) ingrid Elise Design 2024 (in Swedish)

New 2401 Pattern (in Danish) JM-Perlen 2401 (in Danish)

New bead embroidery on fabric Swans

JM-Perlens mission is to supply materials and inspiration to passionated Bead Working people, (in Danish called “Perlehøns" ie. Bead Chicks) and thereby contribute to the future of this small exclusive group around the world.
In order to contribute to the future of the animal species Guinea Fowl (Bead Chicks), we decided to sponsor these animals in the Copenhagen ZOO Sponsor (look down below at sponsorklub)

- See the instruction video on How-To-Do JM-Perlen embroideries on aida fabric (must be signed-on)

- In 2013 JM-Perlen took over all rights to Stenboden pattern books for bead working (** Copying is still not allowed **)

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