JM-Perlen - alt til Grønlandsk perlesyning, perlebroderi og smykker

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Greenlandic Beadwork the Nordic style

In English:
The beadwork began with the Greenlandic tradition for costumes, collars and clothing.

In the Nordic area, this method developed to beadwork using 3d forms of cotton wool, styropor, wood, glass, etc. using glass seed beads.
In the last 30 years from the factory TOHO in Japan.

TOHO offers different sizes of seed beads. Stenboden in Denmark earlier had a monopoly on 9/0 beads for Europe. Stenboden and Elises Pärlateljé from Sweden have for 25 years now designed patterns for this kind of beadwork in 9/0 and 11/0 beads. Not only Europe but also countries such as Australia, Canada and the US like this kind of beadwork.

When using a 3D form, it is very important that the beads are uniform in size. Only TOHO beads can meet these requirements.

Elises Pärlateljé are still publishing 12-16 pattern booklets per year. All Stenboden patterns including all rights now belong to

JM-Perlen have reinvented the bead embroidery on fabric, using the same beads, and making sewing kits and patterns with detailed instructions including all necessary materials. In the same way as cross stitch embroidery with yarn.

Danish wholesalers and former publisher of patterns for beadwork.

Elises Pärlateljé:
Swedish wholesaler and publisher of patterns for beadwork.
Webshop with all materials for beadwork. Designer and publisher of patterns and kits for beaded embroidery on Aida fabric. Since June 2013 the CopyRight owner of Stenboden patterns. Delivers to private customers and selected stores worldwide.

Auf Deutsch:
Das Perlennähen begann mit der grönländischen Tradition mit Kostümen, Kragen und Kleidungsschmuck.

Im Norden entwickelte sich diese Methode dahin, rund um eine Form von Watte, Styropor, Holz, Glas usw. zu nähen.

Dafür verwendet man Perlen aus Glas. In den letzten 30 Jahren aus der Fabrik TOHO in Japan.

TOHO bietet verschiedene Größen von diesen Perlen. Stenboden in Dänemark hatte früher ein Monopol auf 9/0 Perlen für Europa. Stenboden und Elises Pärlateljé aus Schweden sind seit 25 Jahren Herausgeber von Muster Broschüren für bzw. 9/0 und 11/0 Perlen. Nicht nur Europa aber auch Länder wie z.B. Australien und Kanada haben dieses Hobby an sich genommen.

Beim Nähen um eine Form ist es sehr wichtig, dass die Perlen einheitlicher Größe sind. Nur TOHO Perlen können diese Forderungen erfüllen

Elises Pärlateljé wird immer noch 12-16 Muster Broschüren pro Jahr veröffentlichen. Sämtliche Stenboden Muster einschließlich aller Rechte gehören seit Juni 2013 JM-Perlen.

JM-Perlen hat die Perlenstickerei auf Stoff erfunden, mit den gleichen Perlen, und verkauft fertige Näh-Kits mit Muster und ausführlicher Anleitung einschließlich aller nötigen Materialien. Viele werden dies von Kreuzstichstickerei mit Garn kennen.

Dänischer Großhändler und ehemaliger Herausgeber von Mustern für das Perlennähen.

Elises Pärlateljé:
Schwedischer Großhändler und Herausgeber von Mustern für das Perlennähen.
Webshop mit allen Materialien für das Perlennähen und die Perlenstickerei. Designer und Herausgeber von Näh-Kits für Perlenstickerei auf Aida Stoff, und seit 1. Juni 2013 Eigentümer und Rechteinhaber der Stenboden Muster. Verkauf an Privatpersonen und ausgewählte Geschäfte weltweit.

En français
Le perlage a son origine dans la tradition du Groenland pour les costumes, les colliers et les vêtements.

Dans les pays nordiques, cette méthode s’est developpée au perlage autour des formes en 3D,
de la laine de coton, polystyrène, bois, verre, etc, utilisant des perles de rocaille en verre,
fournies depuis 30 ans par l'usine TOHO au Japon.

TOHO propose différentes tailles de perles de rocaille. Stenboden au Danemark avait auparavant le monopole de 9/0 perles pour l’Europe.
Stenboden et Elises Pärlateljé de la Suède ont publié depuis 25 ans des modèles (petits livrets) pour ce genre de perles en 9/0 et 11/0. Non seulement l’Europe mais aussi des pays comme l'Australie et le Canada aiment bien cet hobby.

Lorsque vous utilisez une forme 3D, il est très important que les perles sont de taille uniforme. Seuls les perles TOHO peuvent répondre à ces exigences.

Elises Pärlatelje publient toujours 12-16 modèles par an. Tous modèles Stenboden y compris tous les droits appartient maintenant à JM-Perlen.

JM-Perlen ont réinventé la broderie de perles sur le tissu avec les mêmes perles et sont créateur/éditeur de modèles/kits avec des instructions détaillées y compris tout les matériaux nécessaires, exactement de la même manière que la broderie point de croix avec des fils.

Grossiste danois et ancien créateur/éditeur de modèles pour la broderie perlée.

Elises Pärlatelje:
 Grossiste suédois et créateur/éditeur de modèles pour la broderie perlée.
 Webshop avec tous les matériaux pour la broderie perlée. Créateur/éditeur de modèles/kits pour la broderie perlée sur le tissu Aida. Depuis Juin 2013, le propriétaire du copyright des modèles Stenboden. Fournisseur aux clients privés et aux magasins sélectionnés à travers le monde.

Background Information
It is not the beads that resides from Greenland but the embroidery that referres to the Greenland national costume. The beads where broad to Greenland by whaler or merchant ships. The people in Greenland then had the possibillity to trade for art peaces like beads.
The Greenland national costume (like the doll Olivia ) is all different but embroide after famely recipes going from generation to generation by mothers teaching daughters and often not written down. Often you get your national costume as a gift at the confirmation or other milestones in early age. The national costume is for life - but of cause you have to make changes throughout the years. Leather and beads are allways a part of the nation costume but fabric and other materials are also used.
Bead Crafts/Advanced users:
If you want to make your own beads, here is how to do it.
Fabric for embroidery (aida):
Beads on fabric is like thread on fabric. You can use the same kind of fabric (aida) for bead embroider. It is easier and the result is nices. The aida fabric comes in different colours and fineness. For 11/0 and 9/0 beads you must use different types.
Quality / Price
To JM-Perlen quality comes before price. Bead projects demand a lot of time and effort to finish. The material must be of a god quality to ensure the products can be of joy and pleasure for many years.
The Needle has to go through the same beads several times and must be thin and strong. The needles must be a point type for sewing beads around a subject, but it must be ball point type for sewing on fabric.
Patterns are made by different artist. In Denmark and Sweden Stenboden and Elisés have been steady designers of patterns for - beads around subjects - for many years now. Embroidy with beads on fabric is in new and on the way. JM-Perlen is designing patterns for beads on fabric. Old patterns from e.g. Oehlenschläger, Permin, ... can be changed to bead instead of threads.
PS! Pattern from Elisés are in Swedish, but a small and limited dictionary is made, to help translating to different languages.
9/0 beads from Toho / Seed beads / Greenlandic Beads:
Toho 9/0 beads:
9/0 is the size. It means approx 9 beads per. inch. One inch is c 2,5 cm. Same quality as 11/0 beads but bigger.

TOHO Round Beads:
These beads are round in shape. The holes are made slighty large to make it easy to insert needles or wires. Small and Large Round Beads are the most popular and have a large variety of colors. (SIZE approx.) 15/0(1.5mm), 11/0(2.2mm), 9/0(2.6mm), 8/0(3.0mm)
The official Toho website
Facet beads:
Facet beads comes in different types. The different normally has to do with the way they are manufactured. Facet beads are broken glass pressed together again in a the wanted shape.
MC Facet beads are cut and polished into the wanted shape and sheen.
What is 9/0 and 11/0 ... beads
Bead sizes is offen referred as "bead per inch" (approx. 24mm).
6/0 = approx. 4,0 mm
7/0 = approx. 3,5 mm
8/0 = approx. 3,0 mm
9/0 = approx. 2,6 mm
11/0 = approx. 2,2 mm
12/0 = approx. 2,0 mm
15/0 = approx. 1,6 mm
JM-Perlens beads 11/0 from Toho:
11/0 is the size. It means approx 11 beads per. inch. 11/0 beads therefore is smaller than 9/0 beads.
Toho beads are made by forming the hot class material into pipes (like straws). The straws are then cut and rounded into beads. The beads are sorted to ensure that only perfect ones are delivered.

TOHO Round Beads:
These beads are round in shape. The holes are made slighty large to make it easy to insert needles or wires. Small and Large Round Beads are the most popular and have a large variety of colors. (SIZE approx) 15/0(1.5mm), 11/0(2.2mm), 9/0(2.6mm), 8/0(3.0mm)
The official Toho website
Treasure beads (15/0) from Toho:
15/0 is the size. It means approx 15 beads per. inch. Same quality as 11/0 beads above but smaller.
Wax- glass- and roman beads:
Bigger Wax and Glass beads is called Roman Beads. The quality has to do with the number of times they are put in the colour bath. Roman beads from JM-Perlen, are er immersed in colour 5 times - the normal quality only 2 times - and therefore more resistent to graft.
X-tra beads (9/0) from checkiet
9/0 beads from Czechia the same size and colour as 9/0 from Toho - cheaper - but the quality is not the same. We only have the most common colours in stock. Quality difference is typically size, size of the hole and colour variations.
Jewellery made of genuine stones and gold/silver are of cause more durable and resistent to the "skin acid". and will hold for year.
Jewellery made of e.g. Roman Beads and not that resistent and will not hold for the use in years but will be fine for a limited use.
Genuine Stones (precious / semi-precious stones)
There are only a few precious stones like Diamants, brilliants, safire, rubin, smaragds but a large number of semi precious stones. Semi precious stones are the most common for necklages and bracelets may be because of the price issue. Semi precious stones are resistent to "skin acid" and will hold for years
The Thread is and important part of every beadwork project. It is important that the thread is strong and hold for years.
For making jewellery you must use a stronger thread og wire/silver thread.
Wire thread, silver thread, silke thread
To make jewellery with beads and stones we recomment:
- for fresh water and culture beads/pearls: silk thread
- for necklace and bracelet: wire thread og silver thread.

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