Browsing through the website of JM-Perlen ( there will be no registration of personal information.
If you trade in the Shop and choose to give personal information like Name and
Address the information will be used only by JM-Perlen and for order and customer handling only.
- Address information is used for shipping items only
- Payment Card information is not saved by JM-Perlen but by the Payment Gateway Company (PSP) and the relevant Banks
No personal information is sold, rented or leased to 3. party.
History Information about orders is saved and can be accessed only by you (Username and Password) and JM-Perlen.
Links to other Sites are included only as a service to you.
Following these 3. party links is not included in this privacy guarantees
but you have to read the privacy stament of the target Sites.
JM-Perlen has implemented the relevant physical, elektronic and administrative
procedures to ensure and protect your personal information.
All browser communication is (HTTPS / SSL) incrypted.
Cookies are information about state of your going through the Site and is shared between the webserver and your browser.
Cookies are kept in your browsers memory (RAM) or on the computers harddisk.
You have to allow the use of cookies in your browser to trade with us.
JM-Perlen is using session cookies (in RAM) only.
Therefore no footprint is left on your computer after the browser is terminated.
Security is not something you buy but something you choose to have.
JM-Perlen is contantly improving the security around the Site with special focus on securing your personal information.
If you have any comments or questions about this statement, feel free to write to us at: